NFACC Information Update August 2024

In this issue:


Beef Cattle Code Update

Prior to this inaugural meeting, the Code Committee attended an online webinar covering the main aspects of the Code Development Process. The June face-to-face meeting followed soon after and was attended by both the Code Committee and Scientific Committee. This busy, two-day meeting had a varied format including roundtable discussions, presentations, and small-group breakout sessions. Committee members got to know each other through detailed introductions and discussed the main themes from a recent online survey that captured top-of-mind welfare topics for beef cattle (a summary of the survey input is available here).

Other highlights of the meeting included an overview of the beef cattle industry today along with the main strategies to ensure uptake and awareness of the current beef cattle Code of Practice. Building on a review of the principles of consensus, participants developed a shared purpose statement that will serve to guide their work together. Lastly, a list of priority welfare issues was agreed to (available here). These topics will form the basis of the Scientific Committee’s research report (the 2012 report is available here).

In advance of the next face-to-face meeting, the Code Committee (and subgroups of that committee) will have a series of online meetings to begin working on updated draft sections of the Code. The Scientific Committee will begin its review of research on the priority welfare issues.

Equine Code Update

The process of updating the equine Code of Practice began in early 2024. Initial activities included the distribution of an equine top-of-mind public survey and the formation of both the equine Code Committee and equine Scientific Committee. Shortly afterwards, virtual meetings were held to (i) introduce all participants to the NFACC Code Development Process, (ii) outline the anticipated timeline for the update, and; (iii) provide an overview of basic administrative activities.

In addition, the Scientific Committee engaged in a robust online review of all priority welfare issues submitted by members of the Code Committee. This initial review, as with all Code developments/updates, was conducted in accord with key qualifying criteria including the existence of available scientific research on a per issue basis. Given the need for the Scientific Committee to report its findings to the Code Committee by April 30th, 2025 -- combined with a late summer, initial face-to-face meeting of both committees -- the Scientific Committee consensually agreed upon (and have begun addressing) one of what may subsequently total six priority welfare issues. When both committees meet in late August, all remaining priority welfare issue nominations will be collectively reviewed and consensually agreed upon. All issues selected will comprise the scope of the Scientific Committee report. Any issues not selected will be addressed by the Code Committee throughout the Code development process. Planning for the August meeting is actively underway.

Sheep Code Update

The sheep Code update is moving forward with the Code Committee nearly finalized. The Scientific Committee is organized with a Research Writer contracted. The top-of-mind survey to capture input from those interested in sheep welfare closed on July 25th. Input collected from that survey will be presented to the Code Committee for consideration. It is anticipated the first in-person meeting will happen in the September/October timeframe.

Pullets and Laying Hens Code Amendment

Following a 5-year review of the Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Pullets and Laying Hens, which was completed in 2022, the process to amend three specific sections of the 2017 Code has commenced. As an amendment, the process that needs to be followed is very similar to that which is used for a full Code update; however, the scope is limited to the topics that were identified by the Code Technical Panel (CTP) as needing to be reviewed and amended for various reasons.

A three-member Scientific Panel was finalized in late March and has held five online meetings since early April to review and discuss literature that relates to the three Code amendment topics. The 15-member Code (Amendment) Committee was finalized in June and efforts are underway to orient Code Committee members to the process, and to schedule and organize the Committee’s first one-and-a half-day in-person meeting in the Fall, which will take place in Ottawa. In addition to providing the opportunity for Committee members to meet and to learn more about the amendment process, the first meeting will be used to introduce the Code amendment topics, and to provide a thorough description of the reasons why the topics were identified by the CTP as needing to be amended. This will include a presentation of the findings of the Scientific Panel. Next steps, including the development of a specific workplan with key milestones, will also be fine-tuned.

For more information on how amendments differ from Code updates, visit

Other Code Updates underway

Updates to the 2016 Code of Practice for the care and handling of Hatching Eggs, Breeders, Chickens and Turkeys and the 2014 Code of Practice for the care and handling of Pigs have also been initiated and will be fully underway soon.

The overall plan and timeline for all Code updates and the amendment can be viewed here.

Financial support was provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the AgriAssurance Program under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership.


A preliminary agenda for the 2024 Animal Health Canada (AHC) Forum is now available. Check out the great line-up of speakers and register here. The AHC Forum takes place in Ottawa on October 8 and 9, 2024. A virtual option for attendance also being offered.

AHC is also presenting a new Farm Animal Welfare Leadership Award. Through their work in Canadian animal agriculture, the recipients of this award promote high standards in farmed animal care and work collaboratively to build trust both within Canadian animal agriculture and beyond. Nominations may be made by individuals, governments, or organizations and must be made before August 21st, 2024 (see nomination form here). Learn more and nominate a deserving candidate today!

If you’re interested in sponsorship opportunities for the 2024 AHC Forum check out the sponsorship package.

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