NFACC Members and Partners
NFACC is built on a foundation of trust, communication and respect
Links are provided to websites that are related to the business of the NFACC. They include the websites of NFACC members, Government of Canada sites, provincial ministry/department sites and other useful sites.
NFACC does not accept responsibility for the content of the sites to which links are provided.
Primary Members and Partners
- Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance
- Canada Fox Breeders Association
- Canada Mink Breeders Association
- Canadian Bison Association
- Canadian Cattle Association
- Canadian Federation of Agriculture
- Canadian Hatching Egg Producers
- Canadian Meat Council
- Canadian Pork Council
- Canadian Poultry and Egg Processors
- Canadian Sheep Federation
- Canadian Veal Association
- Canadian Veterinary Medical Association
- Chicken Farmers of Canada
- Coalition of Animal Welfare Enforcement Agencies
- Dairy Farmers of Canada
- Dairy Processors Association of Canada
- Egg Farmers of Canada
- Equestrian Canada
- Federal government (AAFC or CFIA representative)
- Humane Canada
- Provincial Ministries of Agriculture (currently represented by Ontario)
- Pullet Growers of Canada
- Research Community with rep currently from the University of British Columbia
- Restaurants Canada
- Retail Council of Canada
- Turkey Farmers of Canada
- World Animal Protection Canada
Associate Members
- A&W Food Services of Canada Inc.
- Agropur
- Aramark Canada
- Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd.
- Burnbrae Farms
- Cactus Club Café
- Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef
- Cargill Canada
- Dairy Farmers of Ontario
- Earls
- Farm Credit Canada
- Gay Lea Foods
- Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Canada Company
- Lactalis Canada
- Les Producteurs de lait du Québec
- Loblaw Companies Limited
- Longo Bros. Fruit Markets
- Manitoba Pork Council
- Maple Leaf
- McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Ltd
- MSVS Canada Inc.
- New-Life Mills
- Recipe Unlimited
- Saputo Inc.
- Sobeys Inc.
- Walmart Canada
- White Spot Restaurants
Other Useful Links
- American Meat Institute
- Animal Agriculture Alliance
- Animal Transportation Association (ATA)
- Animal Welfare Information Center
- Australian Government - Animal Welfare
- Biosecurity New Zealand - Animal Welfare
- Campbell Centre for the Study of Animal Welfare, University of Guelph
- Canadian Council on Animal Care
- FAO Gateway to Farm Animal Welfare
- Horse Welfare Alliance of Canada
- International Society for Applied Ethology
- PAACO - Animal Auditors
- PEI - Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Centre
- Prairie Swine Centre
- UBC Animal Welfare Program
- World Organization for Animal Health (OIE)
Provincial Ministries/Departments of Agriculture
- Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
- BC Ministry of Agriculture
- Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development
- New Brunswick Department of Agriculture and Aquaculture
- Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
- Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture
- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- PEI Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
- Quebec Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
- Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food