Equine Code of Practice - Progress Updates

October 2024

Both the Equine Code Committee and the Equine Scientific Committee met jointly in Calgary on August 28 & 29, 2024. This was the first face-to-face meeting associated with the Code update. Over the course of two days several important deliberations took place. Most notably, both committees were able to agree on a finalized list of Priority Welfare Issues (i.e., explicit research topics that the Scientific Committee will review, synthesize, and report on by May 1, 2025). 

Following the meeting, Code committee members voluntarily agreed to assume respective roles on numerus Code sub-committees (sub-committees are tasked with reviewing, proposing, and sharing prospective updates to existing Code content on a chapter-by-chapter basis). All sub-committees are currently reviewing and discussing existing Code content. Prospective edits or updates to any existing chapters will be presented for full committee deliberations during the second face-to-face Code meeting (scheduled for November 2024).  

Results of the top-of-mind survey undertaken at the outset of this Code’s update will soon be published on the equine Code webpage.  

August 2024

The process of updating the equine Code of Practice began in early 2024. Initial activities included the distribution of an equine top-of-mind public survey and the formation of both the equine Code Committee and equine Scientific Committee. Shortly afterwards, virtual meetings were held to (i) introduce all participants to the NFACC Code Development Process, (ii) outline the anticipated timeline for the update, and; (iii) provide an overview of basic administrative activities.  

In addition, the Scientific Committee engaged in a robust online review of all priority welfare issues submitted by members of the Code Committee. This initial review, as with all Code developments/updates, was conducted in accord with key qualifying criteria including the existence of available scientific research on a per issue basis. Given the need for the Scientific Committee to report its findings to the Code Committee by April 30th, 2025 -- combined with a late summer, initial face-to-face meeting of both committees -- the Scientific Committee consensually agreed upon (and have begun addressing) one of what may subsequently total six priority welfare issues. When both committees meet in late August, all remaining priority welfare issue nominations will be collectively reviewed and consensually agreed upon. All issues selected will comprise the scope of the Scientific Committee report. Any issues not selected will be addressed by the Code Committee throughout the Code development process. Planning for the August meeting is actively underway.