Beef Cattle


The Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Beef Cattle was released in 2013.  The beef cattle Code’s 5-year review was completed in 2018, and the outcome of that review can be found here. An update to the beef cattle Code was initiated in 2023.

Code update timeline:

  • Start: December 2023
  • Public comment period: December 2025 – January 2026
  • Projected completion: December 2026

Timeline for all Codes of Practice being amended or updated. 

Code update resources:

Current Code of Practice and related resources are below. 


Code Committee members
The Code Committee is populated in accordance with Step 1 of NFACC’s Code development process. 

RoleCommittee MemberOrganization
Producer representativeMatt Bowman (Chair)Canadian Cattle Association
 Jack ChaffeCanadian Cattle Association
 Leanne Thompson, MScCanadian Cattle Association
 Andrea van ItersonCanadian Cattle Association
 Leigh Rosengren, DVM, PhDCanadian Cattle Association
TransporterTrevor CurrieCanadian Livestock Transporters’ Alliance
VeterinarianMike Jelinski, DVMCanadian Veterinary Medical Association
National animal welfare advocacy associationStewart Bauck, DVMWorld Animal Protection Canada
Provincial animal protection enforcement authorityAndrew GraingerAlberta SPCA
Provincial government representative with responsibilities in animal welfareRachel Chiasson, MSc 

Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec

Retail and food service organizationAdam BrownRestaurants Canada
ProcessorCalvin VaagsCanadian Meat Council
Federal governmentAngela Rouillard, PhDAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada
 Sarah Johannson, MScCanadian Food Inspection Agency
Researcher/academicKaren Schwartzkopf-Genswein, PhD Scientific Committee Chair

Scientific Committee members

The Scientific Committee is populated in accordance with Step 2 of NFACC’s Code development process.

NameNamed by
Karen Schwartzkopf-Genswein, PhD (Chair)Canadian Society of Animal Science
Diego Moya DVM, PhDCanadian Society of Animal Science
Karin Orsel DVM, PhD, DECBHMCanadian Veterinary Medical Association
Claire Windeyer, DVM, DVScCanadian Veterinary Medical Association
Derek Haley, PhDInternational Society for Applied Ethology
Ed Pajor, PhDInternational Society for Applied Ethology

 There are various ways to view the Code:

There are a limited number of hard copies of this Code. NFACC encourages use of the electronic version and does not store hard copies. If hard copies are required, please contact the Canadian Cattle Association.  

Please note that content in the transportation section of this Code, along with additional transportation-related content (e.g., glossary terms) that had referenced or reflected the outdated version of Part XII (Transport of Animals) in the Health of Animal Regulations (HAR), or the now archived Compromised Animals Policy, has been updated to align with the amended regulations, which took effect on February 20, 2020. Hard copies of the Codes that were printed prior to this alignment will not include these updates. For clarity, Codes that have been updated will include a statement on the front cover that reads “Alignment with Part XII (Transport of Animals) of the Health of Animals Regulations: 2021”. 

This update process was strictly aimed at revising existing text that no longer aligned with the amended HAR. Every effort was made to respect the original priorities and decisions of the Code Development Committee (e.g., text from the HAR was not added if it was not covered in the original Code). In case of a discrepancy between the hard copy and online version of a Code, the online version shall take precedence. 

Other resources: 

 Table of Contents  

Section 1 Animal Environment
Section 2 Feed and Water
Section 3 Animal Health
Section 4 Animal Husbandry
Section 5 Transportation
Section 6 On-Farm Euthanasia
Appendix A- Body Condition Scoring
Appendix B- Nutrient Requirement Guidelines for Beef Cows and Growing Beef Cattle
Appendix C- Calving: When and How to Help
Appendix D- Transport Decision Tree
Appendix E- Lameness Descriptions Rendering Animals Compromised or Unfit for Transport
Appendix F- Euthanasia - Secondary Kill Steps: Bleeding Out and Pithing
Appendix G- Resources for Further Information
Appendix H- Participants
Appendix I- Summary of Code Requirements


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